Saturday 24 November 2012

Is Seralini's anti-GMO paper the reason behind GM import ban in Kenya.

The paper: Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize

Seralini et al's paper published on September 19th 2012 in the journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology  reports the results of a 2-year feeding study in Sprague–Dawley strain of rats. The study aimed at purportedly unearthing health effects of genetically modified maize NK603 with and without Roundup WeatherMAX and Roundup GT Plus alone.  Critical questions on the dependability of the study have arose. Why is it that the Kenyan cabinet has banned the importation of GM food all over sudden? is Seralini's paper the cause?. Whether this or otherwise, a critical look at the paper is essential. 

Gilles-Eric Seralini  is a known anti-GMO crusader. This does not mean that he does not have a right to conduct such a study, however it is professional for him to declare interests in the publication. Over and above this many questions have been raised about the credibility of his study. Individual researchers and organizations including the The European Society of Toxicologic Pathology (ESTP) have raised a red flag on the credibility of the study. The credibility of the reviewers has also been questioned.The data analyses and ethical issues have also been questioned. Other clear questions are on the technical and pathological aspects of the study including the strain of rat which are known to have 22-33% higher chance of having tumors and this increases with age. The ESTP response to the paper concludes with a question:  what is the scientific rationale that led the journal reviewers and the editorial board of Food and Chemical Toxicology to accept this article for publication?

Having read and understood the content of Seralini's study, I ponder and ask how well our cabinet reads and understands if the decision was based on this study and the consequent uninformed uproar.  What facts were followed in enforcing this ban?. Could Seralini be the Motivation for the Kenyan Cabinet ban on importation of GM maize e.t.c? I hypothesise that it might not  be the paper informing the decision but the rumours following the publication of this paper. My hypothesis may be true as I don't know how much the cabinet may have read and internalized the contents of the study. May be they don't even know that there is such a study!!. How many scientists leave alone biotechnologists sit in the cabinet?. Before making a rush decision and discrediting professionals in the area, the cabinet should have consulted the NBA the mandated body.
What was the aim of establishing the National Biosafety Authority (NBA) and has it been rendered redundant now?. I wish to know from the cabinet how they will know that the maize is non-GMO without involving the assistance of NBA?. Cabinet you have fallen prey to Seralini and his cohorts!!

NB// If you value transparency in Scientific publications then sign here to push Seralini release the raw data of his research.

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